Refund Policy

Refund policy

No Returns No Exchange and No Cancellations Policy

Rainbow India does not provide with the option to refund or exchange the product once purchased. The exact size and color are mentioned to avoid the need to exchange the product, so check the images and read the description before purchasing. Furthermore, the Quality Check team checks each product to ensure it does not have any defects. However, in case of any manufacturing defect, damaged item in transit, or missing item in the order, you can register a complaint within 48 hours by sending us a WhatsApp at +91 8200545289.
To be eligible for a refund, you are required to record a video of opening the package to prove that you received an already defective product. Do share your order number along with the unboxing video.
The team will respond to the complaint query within 2- 5 working days and get in touch with you.
If you are eligible for a refund or replacement, the team will communicate with you and take the necessary steps.
In case the delivery status shows “delivered” and you have not received the product yet, you need to inform us within 24 hours. You are requested to send an email with your order ID with the subject “wrong delivery status” to +91 8200545289
Failing to do so within 24 hours doesn’t make you entitled to any refund or any support from our team.
 RTO: (Return) Due to Customer Mistake: if a shipment is returned due to mistake or negligence on the customer's part—such as providing an incorrect or incomplete address, incorrect contact information, failing to answer calls from the courier and from the vendor (Rainbow India) or not being available to accept delivery, etc —the customer will be responsible to bear RTO charges and Reshipment charges of the parcel. (Cancellation of order will not be entertained)

We cannot be held responsible for Goods damaged or lost in return shipment. Therefore, we recommend an insured and trackable mail service. We are unable to issue a refund without actual receipt of the Goods or proof of receipt of the return delivery.

If you do not receive the refund amount within the mentioned time period, you can check your bank account again or contact the bank, as the processing may take some time from their end. Otherwise, you can contact us at +91 8200545289.
 The shipping charges are non-refundable.
 Refunds or cancellations of CUSTOM PRODUCTS are not entertained.